Did You Know? Animal Adaptations, Earth Science, U.S. History & Ferocious Fish
The world is a fascinating place, and there are so many fun facts to discover. With Did You Know? books, readers will discover exciting facts about high-interest topics, from ferocious fish to some of the most shocking parts of U.S. history. Each set thoroughly covers its social studies or science topic, which makes it a perfect addition to any curriculum. Thought-provoking facts will keep readers interested and able to connect with the subject matter in a new way. Facts are paired with striking photographs for a deeper connection to the information, while graphic organizers present data in an unforgettable way. Explore a new subject or expand what you know with this exciting series of fact-filled books!
• Compelling information is conveyed through fascinating facts
• Social studies and science topics fit into curricula
• High-interest subject matter and unique fact format will appeal to reluctant readers