All Except Winston
Winston the Giraffe is often left out by his peers because he's different. He is often ignored and deals with feelings of loneliness. But when something dangerous happens, it's Winston who saves the day with his special strengths and skills. Bright illustrations and a relatable story will teach readers the value in their differences and how to treat others with respect.
• empathy
• compassion
• recognizing strengths of others
* Reviews *
NetGalley -- This was a darling story about a sweet giraffe named Winston. All Winston wants is to feel included. He watches all his friends eat and sleep and play games and he just wants to feel included. One day he gets his chance and saves the day. Hooray for Winston! I totally will buy this book and read to my classroom. The illustrations are wonderful as well. -- NetGalley -- A super sweet story to help better educate young readers about neurodivergence and how everyone is different in their own way.