Top Video Gamers In The World
Video gaming has become an entertainment giant worth
more than $60 billion in revenue. There are a lot of contributing factors to its
popularity, and foremost among them are video game streamers and YouTubers.
Every day, millions of fans tune in to watch their favorite gamers play their
favorite games. Streams are funny, heartfelt, and intense, but above all,
enthralling. This series takes an in-depth look at some of the world's most
influential video gamers and the games they play. Readers will learn how they've
captured the loyalty of fans across the globe, which includes using the power of
social media and internet distribution to make it to the top.
• Focuses on
the thoroughly modern approach that popular gamers take to reach their massive
• Timelines showcase each gamer's rise to stardom from their humble
beginnings to their crowning achievements