Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Many people find economic concepts difficult and therefore may not have all the knowledge and resources necessary to properly save, invest, and maintain personal solvency through their lives. This series serves as an essential starting point that young readers can use to learn the basics of our economy, the ways that its cycle will affect their lives, and the importance of financial responsibility. Complex topics and vocabulary are explained thoroughly and supplemented by helpful images and diagrams.

Library Set List: $208.48 / S&L: $177.20

Reading Level: 2-3

Interest Level: 1-4

Product type : Library Set
ISBN : 978-1-5081-0233-5
Copyright : 2017
Language : Spanish
Category : Spanish, Social Studies
Pages : 32
Trim : 8" x 8"
Subject : Spanish, Social Studies
Detailed Table of Contents • Fact Boxes • Full-Color Photographs • Further Information Section • Glossary • Index • Sidebars • Websites
Other titles available in Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

?Qu? son el dinero y los bancos? (What Are Money and Banks?)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

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eBook List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15

?Qu? son la oferta y demanda? (What Are Supply and Demand?)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Library Bound Book List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15
eBook List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15

?Qu? son los ahorros y gastos? (What Are Saving and Spending?)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Library Bound Book List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15
eBook List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15

?Qu? son los bienes y servicios? (What Are Goods and Services?)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Library Bound Book List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15
eBook List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15

?Qu? son los proveedores y consumidores? (What Are Producers and Consumers?)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Library Bound Book List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15
eBook List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15

?Qu? son los lujos y necesidades? (What Are Wants and Needs?)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Library Bound Book List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15
eBook List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15

?Qu? son los recursos? (What Are Resources?)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Library Bound Book List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15
eBook List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15

?Qu? son los trabajos e ingresos? (What Are Jobs and Earnings?)

Conozcamos nuestra econom?a (Let's Find Out! Community Economics)

Library Bound Book List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15
eBook List: $26.06 / S&L: $22.15
