Wolves and Other Animals That Outrun Prey

Awesome Animal Skills

In the animal world, it pays to be fast! This book introduces readers to several hunters with a need for speed, including African wild dogs, dragonflies, golden eagles, and of course, the tireless wolf. Readers will learn about the habitat and ecosystem of each animal, as well as the anatomy and features that give them the ability to outrun prey. Engaging text approaches the topic of animal behavior in a fun and dynamic way, while color photographs make the animals come alive for readers. Even reluctant readers will be hooked by this thorough and engaging book on nature's daring racers.

Library Bound Book List: $34.93 / S&L: $26.20
eBook List: $28.93 / S&L: $21.70

Reading Level: 4

Interest Level: 4-5

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4777-5588-4
Author : Vic Kovacs
Copyright : 2016
Language : English
Pages : 32
Trim : 8 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Dewey : 599.773
ATOS : 6.1
ARPoints : 1
Detailed Table of Contents • For Further Information Section • Glossary • Index • "Did You Know?" fun fact boxes
