Witness to History
A Visual Chronicle of the World
Readers will learn about history visually, making these volumes exciting and appealing to readers of all ages. Students will explore the evolution of human civilization from pre-history to the contemporary world, including the Middle Ages and early Modern Period, the Modern Era through World War II, and the mid 20th century to the present day. These educational volumes cover details about these time periods that most other history books overlook. With full-color images and illustrations, readers are taken on a voyage into past worlds in a manner that heavy-textual history books cannot achieve.
* Reviews *
review: Witness to History
"There is
coverage of events that normally aren't highlighted in world history. I plan to
use these titles to write quiz bowl questions for world history. The writing is
concise and it is easy to find information quickly. ... this series will give
students a more interesting way to read about world history.
--Harolyn Legg, Library Media