Whose Eyes Are These? / ?De qui?n son estos ojos?

Animal Clues / ?Adivina de qui?n es?

The "eyes" have it in this charming book that introduces young readers to an owl, a praying mantis, a tiger, a chameleon, and crab. The reader will see a close-up photo of the animal's eye and be asked to guess which animal it belongs to. Reading confidence will soar as they read the simple text that is directly supported by the photos.

* Reviews *

Series Review: ?Adivina de qui?n es?
"The clear design facilitates reading and the peephole will awaken young readers' curiosity, while the difficulty of some of the visual clues will maintain interest. The Spanish translation reads as naturally as the English... Fun additions."
--Adriana Dominguez, School Library Journal
Library Bound Book List: $26.27 / S&L: $19.70
eBook List: $26.27 / S&L: $19.70

Reading Level: 1

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4358-2530-7
Author : Joanne Randolph, Julio Gil
Copyright : 2009
Language : English, Spanish
Category : Science, Animals
Pages : 24
Trim : 7 5/8" x 7 1/8"
Dewey : 590
Subject : Science, Animals
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF003000
