Under a Black Cloud

Extreme Environmental Threats

The defining challenge of the twenty-first century for the entire world may very well be the health of our atmosphere, both the delicate balance of gases in its upper reaches and the air we breathe at ground level. Increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases appear to be resulting in rapid and possibly catastrophic global warming and climate change. Pollution at lower altitudes--caused by such things as car exhaust and industrial emissions--is causing the destruction of flora and fauna as well as health problems in humans. The invisible element that we draw deeply into our lungs about 17,000 times a day may be poisoning us now that we have poisoned it. The future of life on earth may be in real peril. This hard-hitting book spells out exactly the state we're in, where we're headed, and what can be done to insure that conditions do not worsen for future generations.

Library Bound Book List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85
eBook List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85

Reading Level: 6

Interest Level: 7-12+

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4358-5021-7
Author : Frank Spalding
Copyright : 2009
Language : English
Category : Technology, Current Events
Pages : 64
Trim : 7 1/4" x 9 1/4"
Dewey : 551.5
ATOS : 8.6
ARPoints : 2
Subject : Technology, Current Events
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF051160
