Sherlock Bones Looks at Physical Science
A siren races past. A friend whispers in a loud movie theater. Crickets are chirping before bedtime on a summer's night. Most of us are surrounded by many different sounds throughout the day. Now students will dig deeper to find out all about sound--what it is, how it moves, and much more. Readers will be asked to test their sound savvy through trivia questions and investigations. This book will make sure this science concept does not remain a mystery for long.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Sherlock Bones Looks at Physical Science"This new series introduces Sherlock Bones, a cartoon dog, who shows students how to conduct science experiments, which are related to the properties being studied in each book...vivid full color pictures...explains the subject in an upbeat and interesting way... The facts are broken into easy to read sections with bold words that can be looked up in the glossary."
--Library Media Connection