Sleeping Beauty and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Two Tales and Their Histories

World of Fairy Tales

Two of the fairest princesses to ever fall into deep, curse-afflicted slumbers are Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Readers will love exploring both tales, and the historical and cultural context behind each enduring story.

Library Bound Book List: $27.27 / S&L: $20.45

Reading Level: 1-2

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-6075-4634-4
Copyright : 2010
Language : English
Category : Fairy Tales
Pages : 32
Trim : 7 1/2" x 9 3/4"
Dewey : 398.2
ATOS : 5.3
ARPoints : 1
Subject : Fairy Tales
Binding : Library
Cultural Background? • Historical Context Overview
