Scavengers: Eating Nature's Trash

At first glance, scavengers seem disgusting. When you get right down to it, though, these animals and their gross eating habits are helping our planet. Scavengers that eat other animals' leftovers, dead animals, and human garbage are nature's own "green team," recycling and removing waste that would otherwise pile up and cause illness in people and animals. That is not to say that these animals, and their food choices, are not nauseating. But that is exactly why young people will be drawn to each fascinating, stomach-turning title. Each volume features sidebars to highlight interesting facts. This set features:
•Sidebars with added-value facts about each animal
•Set can be used to meet Common Core ELA Power Standards in reading and writing

Library Set List: $151.62 / S&L: $113.70

Reading Level: 2-3

Product type : Library Set
ISBN : 978-1-4777-6617-0
Author : Emma Carlson Berne
Copyright : 2015
Language : English
Category : Animals
Pages : 24
Subject : Animals
BISAC : JNF051150
Index • Glossary • Web Sites • Pronunciation Guide
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Scavengers: Eating Nature's Trash

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Scavengers: Eating Nature's Trash

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Scavengers: Eating Nature's Trash

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Scavengers: Eating Nature's Trash

Library Bound Book List: $25.27 / S&L: $18.95
eBook List: $25.27 / S&L: $18.95
