The Right Words
When talking or speaking about something important, whether it's to a single individual or a group of people, it's easy to get tongue-tied or fumble over the right words. Emotions can also tangle our efforts to say what we mean. Verbal communication is a skill, with several facets to master. Readers are provided with friendly, inspiring tips and strategies to build confidence in speaking, across many different settings. The importance of timing conversations is covered, so that messages are delivered at the right moment and to the right audience. Also shared is how to develop the secret skill behind all great speakers--they know how to attentively listen to others as well.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Communicating with Confidence"This series is a comprehensive survey of the communication skills necessary for successful personal and professional relationships. ... Each volume is attractively illustrated; the page layouts are uncluttered. These books will appeal to struggling readers as well as the general student population."
--Library Media Connection