Rhode Island
The United States: Past and Present
The Ocean State is the country's smallest, only 48 miles long and 37 miles wide, yet it has assumed a large place in American history, often finding itself at the very center of momentous national events. Founded by Roger Williams as a bastion of religious freedom and tolerance, the colony very early developed a strong independent streak. Though sandwiched between the powerful and often domineering neighbors New York and Massachusetts, Rhode Island remained fiercely self-sufficient, relying on its maritime economy and local industries for sustenance. Though tiny, Rhode Island is a ferment of creative, historical, and cultural energy. This book reveals the riches contained within it and captures its vibrant and enduring spirit.
* Reviews *
Series Review: United States: Past And Present"Unlike Other Elementary Series Available On States, This Provides Information On More Advanced Topics, Such As Proposing And Passing State Laws, And Candid Facts About Indian Removal...Recommended."—Library