Renaissance Paintings

Using Perspective to Represent Three-Dimensional Objects

PowerMath: Proficiency Plus

Budding art enthusiasts will learn how to use perspective to represent three-dimensional objects. This guidebook illustrates the concepts of horizon and vanishing point through famous paintings of the Renaissance. Students are given the instructions to create a "Renaissance" artwork of their own.

* Reviews *

Book Review--
"Students will become engrossed in learning how Renaissance painters used perspective to fool the viewer into thinking that they were looking into a space beyond the canvas, wall or ceiling rather than merely at the flat painted surface. Each of these volumes vivifies mathematics for students and teachers alike." Recommended.
-Library Media Connection
Library Bound Book List: $28.93 / S&L: $21.70
eBook List: $28.93 / S&L: $21.70

Reading Level: 5-6

Interest Level: 5-6

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4042-2926-6
Author : Janey Levy
Copyright : 2005
Language : English
Category : Arts and Crafts, World History, Social Studies
Pages : 32
Trim : 7 1/8" x 8 1/2"
Dewey : 750.1
ATOS : 7
ARPoints : 0.5
Subject : Arts and Crafts, World History, Social Studies
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF035030, JNF035050
Glossary • Index • Pronunciation Guide to New Words
