Quetzals and Other Latin American Birds / Quetzales y otras aves de Latinoam?rica
Animals of Latin America / Animales de Latinoam?rica
The quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala and lends its name to that country's currency. In fact, the quetzal has long been revered for its beautiful feathers. In ancient times, the Mayan people used quetzal feathers as money. Your fascinated readers will find out more about this resplendent bird and some of its neighbors, such as the toucan and the macaw.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Animales de Latinoam?rica"The texts, which consist of a few sentences per page, are clearly written, informative, and lively. The English appears on top, with the excellent Spanish translation below. The large font will appeal to beginning readers. Each page of text faces a full-page photograph of the featured animal along with a fun fact..."
--Rebecca Hickman, Nova Southeastern University, FL
Cr?ticas, Library Journal