The People of the Philippines

Celebrating the Peoples and Civilizations of Southeast Asia

Did you know that the Philippines are made up of 7,100 islands? Although Filipinos are among the most Westernized of the people of Southeast Asia, Filipino culture is very strong. Kids will learn how this country adapted to other cultural influences.

Library Bound Book List: $24.60 / S&L: $18.45

Reading Level: 3

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-0-8239-5127-7
Author : Dolly Brittan
Copyright : 1997
Language : English
Category : Cultural Diversity, World History
Pages : 24
Trim : 7 5/8" x 7 1/8"
Dewey : 959.9
ATOS : 4.5
Subject : Cultural Diversity, World History
Binding : Library
