Obesity and the Media

Understanding Obesity

Media plays a tremendous role in the food choices people make. It has been estimated that the Media plays a tremendous role in the food choices people make. It has been estimated that the average American child watches 40,000 television commercials--annually. Many of these commercials offer enticing views of fatty, sugary, high-calorie food. Other media outlets, including movies, the Internet, magazines, and video games push products and provide messages about food. Children are especially susceptible to the lure of advertisements and images that offer positive messages about unhealthy food choices.

* Reviews *

Series Review: Understanding Obesity
"By focusing on a single issue (and a timely one at that), this series inspires a keen awareness of the complexities of obesity. The books complement one another but can also stand alone. Consistent through the series is the deference to and citing of experts, inclusion of current photographs, commitment to balanced viewpoints, and overall teen appeal. At the conclusion of each volume, readers are instructed to access the publisher's Web site, which has regularly updated links."
--Joanna Fabicon, Los Angeles Public Library, School Library Journal
Library Bound Book List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85
eBook List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85

Reading Level: 5-6

Interest Level: 5-8

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4042-1769-0
Author : Frances O'Connor
Copyright : 2009
Language : English
Category : Guidance, Social Studies
Pages : 64
Trim : 6 1/2" x 9 1/8"
Dewey : 362.196
Subject : Guidance, Social Studies
Binding : Library
