New Hampshire
The United States: Past and Present
Filled with fascinating information including a detailed timeline and fact sheet, this book provides students with a comprehensive look at New Hampshire. The state has a lasting influence on American politics and it boasts a rich history, including it being the site of the first primary in presidential elections. Readers will learn how the state has transformed over the years, changing with the times while retaining its unique character. Stunning photographs relay the abundant forests, beautiful scenery, and pristine waterways that draw thousands of tourists every year. Historically known for its stone quarries and family farms, New Hampshire is now home to flourishing manufacturing and technology industries. Maps and sidebars support the entertaining narrative.
* Reviews *
Series Review: United States: Past And Present"Unlike Other Elementary Series Available On States, This Provides Information On More Advanced Topics, Such As Proposing And Passing State Laws, And Candid Facts About Indian Removal...Recommended."—Library