The Middle School Survival Handbook
Transitioning to middle school can be the most difficult of all rites of passage in a young person's life. Sensible strategies are offered on how to cope with the loss of old friends and how to make new friends; how to deal successfully with bullies; how to familiarize oneself with and settle into a new school; how to handle increased academic expectations, including standardized testing; how to get involved in school activities; and how to surround oneself with true friends and create a fulfilling and stimulating social life. Issues are addressed with insight, humor, and compassion.
* Reviews *
Series review: The Middle School Survival Handbook
"This timely
series, complete with up-to-date photos, aims to calm the fears of incoming and
current students. ... The texts are
targeted at kids but would also be good resources for parents or caregivers
looking for advice. Teachers might want to use these books as examples of
informational texts for students to navigate and analyze. Relevant, smart
choices for school and public libraries." -Sarah
Knutson, School Library Journal