Learning a Trade, Preparing for a Career
Education is the best pathway for entry into high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand careers, and vocational education programs are evolving to meet the needs of today's students and workforce. Also known as career and technical education (CTE), modern options in vocational education integrate academic and technical content and give students key skills needed for future employment. Readers learn how they can use high school and postsecondary vo-tech programs as a springboard to careers in various trade sectors, including business, health care, and information technology. Titles expose readers to opportunities in each field and help them plan clear paths to their goals.
• Supports college and career preparedness, which is at the heart of the Common Core State Standards
• Helps readers access the education they need for gainful employment and career advancement
• Includes inspiring and motivating testimony from people who have had positive experiences in vocational education and successful careers as a result