Learning About America's Colonial Period with Graphic Organizers

In this book students will learn about the different cultures who came to America, why they came, where they settled, and the different influences that each culture had on America. With unique chapters on different facets of colonial daily life such as colonial home remedies, technology, industry, and government, students will gain a new perspective on life in the colonies. Graphic organizers include a line graph showing the dramatic growth in the colonial population, and a concept web describing the various colonial remedies and herbs and their purposes.

* Reviews *

Book Review--
"Great information using different graphic organizers...Students will learn facts while learning how information can be presented with graphic organizers."
- K. Scribner, Humann School, Lincoln, NE
eBook List: $26.27 / S&L: $19.70

Reading Level: 4-5

Interest Level: 4-6

Product type : eBook
ISBN : 978-1-4358-7930-0
Author : Linda Wirkner
Copyright : 2005
Language : English
Category : Social Studies, American History
Pages : 24
Dewey : 973.2
ATOS : 5.8
Subject : Social Studies, American History
BISAC : HIS000000
Index • Glossary • Web Sites
