Lakota Sioux Children and Elders Talk Together

The Library of Intergenerational Learning: Native Americans

Reaching hundreds of miles across the Great Plains, the Lakota Sioux have persevered for hundred of years. Kids will read about LaToya Brown Bull and learn from respected elder Gus Yellow Hair about little-known but vital pieces of American history. One unique practice among the Lakota Sioux is taking in kids who are not their own and making them part of a family.

Library Bound Book List: $24.60 / S&L: $18.45

Reading Level: 3

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-0-8239-5226-7
Author : E. Kavasch, Jeffrey Fox
Copyright : 1999
Language : English
Category : American History, Social Studies
Pages : 24
Trim : 10" x 8"
Dewey : 978
ATOS : 4.5
ARPoints : 0.5
Subject : American History, Social Studies
Binding : Library
