I Won't Do That Today

Let's Grow Together

The three penguin brothers--Can't, Shan't, and Won't--are just as obstinate as their names would suggest. Rather than help their mother catch fish for dinner, they decide to run away from home. After a renegade ice floe nearly takes them out to see, they realize that listening to their mother isn't such a bad idea.

* Reviews *

Series Review: Let's Grow Together
"Whimsical art and the books' size will appeal to young listeners. The books blend read-aloud stories about a pretend elephant, panda, tiger, and penguin, with fun facts about the real animals, making the series a versatile selection. Character education will benefit from these titles, and children will be drawn to the friendly animals and their situations. Websites, additional books, and further information at the end of each book add to their value."
--Library Media Connection
Library Bound Book List: $27.27 / S&L: $20.45
Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-6075-4758-7
Author : Gill Davies, Robert O'Neill, Julio Gil
Copyright : 2010
Language : English
Category : Character Education
Pages : 32
Trim : 8 1/2" x 11"
Dewey : [E]?dc22
Subject : Character Education
Binding : Library
BISAC : JUV013070
For Further Information Section • Illustrated • Health Content • Fact Sheets
