I Am Baptist

Religions of the World

* Reviews *

"Information from the perspective of young people who are members of the worldwide spiritual communities are represented in this series. All of these children have a strong commitment to their religion. Difficult theological ideas such as salvation are presented in a gentle and reassuring manner."
--- School Library Journal
"Very useful and needed series. Due to the growing diversity in our community, I have been searching for books on major religions other than Christianity."
--Arlington Independent School District

"I would recommend this entire series of Religions of the World. These books cover the religions and their meanings in simple context."
--Book Review

"Excellent. A brief introduction to the Baptist denomination. Includes beliefs, practices and history in an easy-to-read manner. Good resource."
- Terrell School/San Jose Unified School District
Library Bound Book List: $24.60 / S&L: $18.45

Reading Level: 3

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-0-8239-5261-8
Author : Patricia Harrington
Copyright : 1999
Language : English
Category : Social Studies, Cultural Diversity
Pages : 24
Trim : 7 5/8" x 7 1/8"
Dewey : 286
ATOS : 4.7
ARPoints : 0.5
Subject : Social Studies, Cultural Diversity
Binding : Library
