How to Draw Germany's Sights and Symbols

A Kid's Guide to Drawing the Countries of the World

Until the nineteenth century, Germany was a land of separate kingdoms. During the twentieth century, it was once again a country divided between East and West Germany. This country of castles and cathedrals is also one of the world's largest producers of luxury cars and other manufactured goods. Students will draw treasures that follow a historical trail, from Charlemange to Richard Wagner, from the gabled houses of Bremen to the Reichstag in Berlin.

* Reviews *

Series Review: Kid's Guide to Drawing the Countries of the World
"Kids love drawing books! This series shows step-by-step directions on difficult subject matter. Great information on the history, flag, famous buildings, artists and art of Portugal is included along with drawing instructions."
--Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, NE

"A great series that combines art with learning the history and culture of a country. Great for low readers who love drawing books. RECOMMENDED."
--San Diego City Schools
Library Bound Book List: $32.93 / S&L: $24.70

Reading Level: 4

Interest Level: 3-5

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-0-8239-6685-1
Author : Betsy Dru Tecco
Copyright : 2004
Language : English
Category : World History, Arts and Crafts
Pages : 48
Trim : 8 1/2" x 11"
Dewey : 743
ATOS : 5.3
ARPoints : 1
Subject : World History, Arts and Crafts
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF025000, JNF025260
