George Washington
Graphic Nonfiction Biographies
Patriot, war hero, and statesman, George Washington played a crucial role in the birth of the new American nation. This handsomely illustrated saga carefully chronicles Washington's life from his childhood years in Virginia, to his stunning successes as commander in chief of the Continental army, to his time as first president of the nascent republic.
* Reviews *
Book Review--"Libraries serving students in elementary and middle grades will want to add it to their collection." --VOYA
Book Review--
"The illustrations are crisp and clean, the cover is appealing, and will attract its intended audience. Media specialists will want to include these titles on their shelves...they are sure to generate a lot of interest from all. Recommended." .-LMC
Book Review--
"This is a great resource, is easily read, and I think the students will like the format."--Valley View High School, Texas