Endangered Wildlife

Extreme Environmental Threats

The world's wildlife is vanishing at an alarming rate. Scientists at the Nature Conservancy and the World Wildlife Federation estimate that one in four mammals, and a full third of Earth's amphibians are in danger of becoming extinct. Today species are becoming extinct at a rate that is anywhere from 100 to 1,000 times faster than normal. People have been in fierce competition with wild animals for land, food, and natural resources for years. When over-hunting and -fishing of species and a rise in the level of pollution is added to this mix, humans come to represent the single gravest threat to wildlife survival. Any species that disappears leaves a hole in the web of life. Mass extinction would leave so many holes that the web might totally fall apart. Humans must realize the important role wildlife plays in the survival of the planet and reverse the damage--before it's too late.

Library Bound Book List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85
eBook List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85

Reading Level: 6

Interest Level: 7-12+

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4358-5019-4
Author : Jeanne Nagle
Copyright : 2009
Language : English
Category : Current Events, Technology
Pages : 64
Trim : 7 1/4" x 9 1/4"
Dewey : 333.95
ATOS : 8.9
ARPoints : 2
Subject : Current Events, Technology
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF051160
