The United States: Past and Present
Here is a lively examination of a small state that is nevertheless chock full of history, culture, geographical variety, natural beauty, urban life and industry, and bucolic charm. Connecticut has a wide array of landscapes while also being home to several major cities and within commuting distance of both New York and Boston. An important agricultural state, it is also home to heavy industry, high tech, and one of the world's premier institutions of higher learning; Yale University. It was also an important player in the colonial era and during the Revolution. For a small state, Connecticut is a force to be reckoned with, and this book presents its fascinating story.
* Reviews *
Series Review: United States: Past And Present"Unlike Other Elementary Series Available On States, This Provides Information On More Advanced Topics, Such As Proposing And Passing State Laws, And Candid Facts About Indian Removal...Recommended."—Library