American Troops in Afghanistan
Frontline Coverage of Current Events
Using the most up-to-date information available, this book reports on the postwar activities of American forces in Afghanistan. Riveting accounts of troops on the hunt for terrorists, training recruits for the new Afghanistan National Army, and interacting with local Afghans offer an authentic look at a country on the verge of change. The book documents U.S. efforts to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan population as it follows the political, economic, and social developments that derive from U.S. nation-building policies. Related images from the front, help to create the "frontline coverage" of this unique look at current events.
* Reviews *
Book Review--"The author provides a good look at American troops in Afghanistan and how they are helping to build a new nation."
--Denton High School, Texas
Book Review--
"Nice color pictures...correlate to the text. Very good."
- L. VandeHoef, LSE