The Geologic History of Earth
A diverse range of organisms and rock formations have survived for many millennia, originating prior to the emergence of human life forms. These geological formations--some of which even predate the dinosaurs--reveal much about Earth's climate and the types of life forms that can endure certain environmental conditions. Using fossil records and geological evidence, this comprehensive series examines all aspects of prehistory, including the ascendancy of dinosaurs and the beginnings of humankind. Numerous photographs and illustrations invite the reader to pay homage to the genesis of life as we know it.
• Detailed charts organize dates for easy reference
• Expert discussions on significant species and concepts
• Illustrations help readers visualize extinct organisms
* Reviews *
Series Review: **STARRED REVIEW**"This series surveys the geologic and biological history of the earth. Each volume begins with a table of contents that minutely breaks down the chapters by types of life forms and geologic stages and periods. This detailed breakdown allows these books to function both as general overviews and quick reference resources. An introductory chapter includes a helpful geologic time scale chart...Scattered illustrations, photographs, maps, and charts further illuminate the text. These challenging volumes will meet the needs of upper level students. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."
--Library Media Connection