Understanding India
Though peopled with diverse groups and subject to the influence of various invading bodies, India has developed a robust heritage uniquely its own. The birthplace of several world religions, India is a dynamic center of coexistence of people with numerous spiritual, linguistic, and regional traditions who have enriched the foundations of Indian society. This detailed series explores all aspects of this vibrant subcontinent. With accounts of India's most ancient civilizations and the individuals and ideas that have shaped the country since then, readers are introduced to a place that is constantly evolving and accommodating new ways of thinking. The images included with the text allow readers to experience India's multi-layered history and witness the rise from its fabled empires to its colonial past to its current place as a formidable player on the world stage.
• Vivid photographs depict significant historical and cultural events
• Detailed maps show the spread of Indian civilization over time
• Topical relevance