Top 10 Tips for Safe and Responsible Digital Communication
With people spending an increasing number of hours every day using computers, tablets, and smartphones, safe and responsible digital communication awareness is absolutely essential. Making pre-teens and teens aware of the dangers that exist alongside the enriching information and entertainment to be found online is pertinent. Tweens and teens are vulnerable to various Web-based pitfalls, such as cyber-addiction, overspending, over-sharing, and downloading viruses--not to mention cyber-predators, scam artists, bullies, and flamers. In order to use digital communication technology safely, responsibly, and successfully, people need to learn how to avoid, prevent, or respond to uncomfortable or even threatening situations. Awareness is brought to readers through the elaboration of ten incredibly useful tips, exactly how to navigate the Web and use digital technology safely and responsibly, and how to do so without causing harm to oneself or others. Learning and following these precautions will not only keep users safe from predators, bullies, and scammers, but will also protect their hard drive, their credit rating, their identities, their reputations (both online and offline), and even their future job prospects. Emphasis is placed not only on learning how to avoid becoming a victim of negative digital activity but also on warnings against becoming a perpetrator, especially of cyberbullying, flaming, and other types of online peer harassment. Readers are encouraged to learn even more with 10 Great Questions to Ask an IT Specialist and Myths & Facts.