Cloning and Genetic Engineering

Both Sides of the Story

Both genetic engineering and cloning have many applications and are now widely used in medicine, industry, and agriculture. In genetic engineering particular genes are manipulated or transferred from one living thing to another for a specific purpose. This process produces a completely new set of genes. Cloning is a form of genetic engineering that produces exact copies--a clone is an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. For supporters of genetic engineering, developments in this science have opened up a world of possibilities for the future. But for its opponents, there are serious concerns about its safety, and about the moral rights and wrongs of "tampering with nature." This enlightening volume offers arguments for both sides of the cloning and genetic engineering debate. Among the subjects examined are the human genome, transgenics, reproductive cloning, research cloning, stem cell therapy, genetic disease and testing, gene therapy, plant and animal pharming, genetically modified animals and crops, and gene doping.

* Reviews *

review: Both Sides of the Story
title successfully presents both sides of a contemporary issue. ... The texts are
straightforward, easy to understand, and have an appealing format. Chapters
progress logically with helpful headings and subheadings. The numerous text
boxes, captioned color photos, and reproductions add additional
Shaver, School Library Journal
review: Cloning and Genetic Engineering
provides helpful definitions and explanations of genetic engineering and looks
at the numerous ways this process influences our lives from animal and research
cloning to embryo testing and genetically modified foods."

Shaver, School Library Journal

Library Bound Book List: $34.47 / S&L: $25.85
eBook List: $34.47 / S&L: $25.85

Reading Level: 5

Interest Level: 5-8

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4488-7187-2
Author : Nicola Barber
Copyright : 2013
Language : English
Category : Current Events, Science
Pages : 48
Trim : 8" x 10"
Dewey : 616.02
Subject : Current Events, Science
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF051020, JNF051060
Index • Glossary • Web Sites • Further Reading • Sidebars
