What to Do When Your Family Has to Cut Costs
In this time of nation-wide belt-tightening, a book on cutting costs is a must-have addition to library shelves. Cutting costs does not have to be a bad thing and it doesn't mean cutting out every desire. Readers learn about prioritizing needs over wants and ways to be cost-conscious and frugal. They also learn that sacrificing some material desires can free an individual from the cycle of consumption, which allows us to enjoy other things such as family time and free, fun activities.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Let's Work It Out"This timely series will be welcome in school libraries as families everywhere are dealing with tough economic times...The message in each book is always nonjudgmental, explaining that the unfortunate circumstances are never the child's fault and are a temporary set-back. All books offer students suggestions for ways that they can personally help; other suggestions are offered to reduce embarrassment or fear by talking to a school counselor. The tone for all books is very reassuring, and I envision adults using the books to open the door for discussion."
--Library Media Connection
Series Review: Let's Work It Out
"Full-page color photographs appear opposite the narratives, depicting multicultural children, parents, grandparents, social workers, and others, who demeanors match the hopeful tone of the titles. This timely series will help promote empathy and understanding for the plight of others and is a key purchase."
--School Library Journal
Series Review: Let's Work It Out
"These books stress the importance of dealing with potentially dangerous emotions rather than letting them fester. The vocabulary is easy enough for youngsters to read and understand independently. They could be a good first step toward recognizing upsetting feelings and seeking further help."
--School Library Journal
Book Review: How to Deal with Competitiveness
"This book is enjoyable to read and keeps reminding youngsters that the main thing is for everyone to have fun and do their best. Throughout this easy-to-read book, readers will find many beautiful photographs that add to the message."
--Library Media Connection