The United States: Past and Present
Delaware may be almost last in size amongst the 50 American states, yet in many ways it is indeed the "First State," as its motto declares. Casting one of the decisive votes in favor of the Declaration of Independence, and the very first state to sign the Constitution, Delaware has long led the nation into the future, a role it continues to play. It has been at the forefront of many important developments in American society such as desegregation, the growth of big business and financial services, technological innovation, and scientific breakthroughs. Delaware is not only the little state that could; it is the little state that did and continues to do. This book presents its fascinating and inspiring story.
* Reviews *
Series Review: United States: Past And Present"Unlike Other Elementary Series Available On States, This Provides Information On More Advanced Topics, Such As Proposing And Passing State Laws, And Candid Facts About Indian Removal...Recommended."—Library