Meet Cynthia Rylant
Many of Cynthia Rylant's books were inspired by her childhood in the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia, where she lived with her grandparents after her parents separated. When I Was Young in the Mountains, which she dedicated to her grandparents, directly speaks to her childhood filled with warmth and love. Kids will discover what turned Cynthia Rylant on to writing, the writers she herself loved best as a child, and details from her childhood that inspired so many of her books.
* Reviews *
Book Review--"...takes a look at the life experiences that shaped [the] author, both in childhood and adulthood...nice for the sense of an author's life that [it] provide[s]."
- Jeani Littrell-Kwik, KCLS: Sub.
WASHYARG, Dec. 2006