Richard the Lionheart
Graphic Nonfiction Biographies
Politician, military leader, crusader, and King of England, Richard the Lionheart has been the subject of Middle Ages' studies for centuries. His early years were marked by bitter rivalry with his father and brothers, but once crowned King in 1189, his primary ambition was to lead a crusade to the Holy Land to recapture the city of Jerusalem. Richard the Lionheart treats readers to a graphically stunning retelling of the King's battle against Saladin for control of the Holy Land, his subsequent imprisonment, and ultimate return to the throne.
* Reviews *
Book Review--"Richard the Lionheart is a comic-style educational supplement that documents the life of one of the Middle Ages' most well-known personalities in a way that should prove interesting to even the most disinterested historical reader. ...where this book succeeds - more so than any other history I've read on the matter - is in SHOWING students what life was really like during the Middle Ages. There's very real value there.... It should definitely find its way into our nation's classrooms. It demonstrates the reality of the times much more clearly and effectively than today's textbooks do."
- Dan Head, paperbackreader.com
Book Review--
"A wealth of information in this slim volume. Good tool to get reluctant readers interested in biography and history."
--Selwyn (School), Texas