Chemical Biological Incident Response Force

Inside Special Operations

Created out of existing Marine forces and resources, the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force's responsibilities include reconnaissance, detection, decontamination, medical, security, and service support for managing crisis situations at home and abroad. It is a special Marine unit of first responders designed to be a well-trained, quick-moving group of soldiers, doctors, and scientists who can be mobilized to detect, prevent, or respond to terrorist threats or catastrophes that involve biological weapons, chemical weapons, or nuclear agents. In our current chaotic, destabilized, and threatening global environment, CBIRF may be the only thing that stands between us and a horrific and deadly new form of warfare waged on innocent civilian populations.

Library Bound Book List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85
eBook List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85

Reading Level: 6

Interest Level: 5-8

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4042-1751-5
Author : Janell Broyles
Copyright : 2009
Language : English
Category : Careers, Social Studies
Pages : 64
Trim : 7 1/8" x 8 1/2"
Dewey : 358
ATOS : 10.6
ARPoints : 2
Subject : Careers, Social Studies
Binding : Library
