Let's Talk About Smoking

Young people are smoking at earlier and earlier ages despite the campaigns to discourage this. We must start educating our children at the elementary level about the terrible health risks of this dangerous addiction.

* Reviews *

"The addictive nature of cigarettes and peer pressure are also handled with admirable directness in Smoking."
--School Library Journal
Library Bound Book List: $24.60 / S&L: $18.45

Reading Level: 2-3

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-0-8239-2307-6
Author : Elizabeth Weitzman
Copyright : 1996
Language : English
Category : Health, Guidance
Pages : 24
Trim : 7 5/8" x 7 1/8"
Dewey : 362.29
ATOS : 3.9
ARPoints : 0.5
Subject : Health, Guidance
Binding : Library
