Joe DiMaggio

Joe DiMaggio, who played his entire career, from 1936 to 1951, with the New York Yankees, was without doubt one of the greatest players of the game. From the picture-perfect way in which he swung the bat to the way he gracefully strode across the outfield when chasing down fly balls, every move he made seemed effortless. This biography, a heartfelt examination of the life of the ballplayer known as the Yankee Clipper, will inspire students while they read the story of one of America's favorite sons.

Library Bound Book List: $39.80 / S&L: $29.85

Reading Level: 5-8

Interest Level: 5-8

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-0-8239-3779-0
Author : Lois Sakany
Copyright : 2004
Language : English
Category : Sports, Biographies
Pages : 112
Trim : 6" x 8"
Dewey : B
Dewey(two) : 796.357
ATOS : 7.3
ARPoints : 2
Subject : Sports, Biographies
Binding : Library
