Akhenaten and Tutankhamen
The Religious Revolution
Akhenaten, an Egyptian pharaoh, tried to elevate one god above all the other Egyptian gods, and his son, Tutankhamen, put an end to his religious reforms. This marked the first attempt at a monotheistic religion that introduced the idea of a single, all-powerful creator. But the priestly class and ordinary Egyptians, with all their household gods, rejected the new religion.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Leaders of Ancient Egypt"For reports on prominent leaders of ancient Egypt, these biographies offer a unique perspective. Citing specific stelae, carved inscriptions on public buildings and statues, and tomb decorations, Thomas attempts to piece together the scarce and scattered bits of information archaeologists have discovered about each pharaoh's personality, domestic life, and accomplishments. Detailed indexes enrich the value of these texts..."
--Ann G. Brouse, Steele Memorial Library, NY
School Library Journal